Thursday, September 23, 2010

Safeway Select Triple Rich Macaroni and Cheese

Color: 5/5 stars
Texture: pasta texture 5/5 stars, overall texture 4/5 stars
Flavor: 3/5 stars
Overall Rating: 3.5/5 stars

This version of mac n cheese is similar to Safeway's other products of the same line; looks appetizing, overall texture and palatability is good, but the flavor is really lacking. It's as if they are playing it safe. The cheesiness is so close to being good, but they managed to just fall short of a satisfying mac n cheese experience. Despite it's shortcomings, this dish of mac n cheese is at least finishable and does not have the awful, artificial cheese product aftertaste so frequently found in mac n cheese products.

So, in a nutshell the only thing really lacking with this dish is the flavor. The color and texture are great and it looks appetizing, but I was too tempted to add salt while I was eating it (not that it would have helped that much, what this dish needs is more cheese flavor).

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