Friday, October 1, 2010

Safeway Eating Right Brand Macaroni and Cheese

Color: 3/5 stars, it's a bit pale
Texture: 3/5, not as thick as I like
Flavor: 3.5/5, not bad for a "healthy" product
Overall Rating: 3.5/5 stars,

This is Safeway's "healthy" version of mac n cheese, so my expectations going in are bit low. When you first take it out of the microwave it's quite watery; I imagine this can be attributed to it's "healthyness." After letting it sit and cool a bit it gets closer to a normal mac n cheese consistency.

Flavor-wise it's surprisingly okay for a product market towards healthy eating. It has a nice initial cheese flavor that unfortunately doesn't last very long; very sharp at first but then it fades into the typical artificial aftertaste.

The pasta texture is very good; al dente, just the way I like it. A lot of mac n cheese dishes have overcooked macaroni which, when coupled with poor flavor, is really unappetizing.

Overall I give it 3.5/5 stars. So, if you're looking for a "healthy" version of mac n cheese this one is definitely worth considering.

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